Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Friday, 25 August 2017

7 Ways to Overcome Stagnation

-By Dr. Henry Cloud
Life is filled with peaks and valleys, and all of us hit the highs and lows at various times in our life. However, sometimes it may feel like you are forever stuck in a low valley, unable to achieve a certain goal or losing sight of what exactly your goals are. We often procrastinate and know that we are living beneath our potential, but can’t seem to get out of the daily rut. The stagnation we experience is a sign of much deeper problems in our life—problems that require deep thinking and self-examination. Here are 7 ways you can start to overcome the stagnation in your personal and professional life.
You are not the only one. Everyone has experienced stagnation before, and thousands are probably experiencing it at the same time as you. Don’t fight it. Accept that you are going through a stagnant period, understand that it is okay, and then you can focus on implementing changes in your life to get out of it.
Become inspired again. Sometimes it is just as simple as re-examining dreams and wishes that may have gone ignored. Is there anything you forgot that you have always wanted to do or become? Setting out to accomplish these goals will help motivate you in your daily life.
Try new things. We get bored with our day-to-day routine, yet we are often so complacent in our lives that we don’t fix anything. Force yourself to try something new, whether it is learning a new skill or language, or skydiving and mountain climbing. New experiences give us a renewed interest in life’s many wonders.
Vocalize what bothers you. Is there someone or something in your life that has been bothering you for a while? If so, you need to get it off your chest. Don’t let negative feeling just sit there. It stirs up resentment in our relationships with people and keeps us from focusing on our goals.
Don’t be afraid. Stagnation thrives on us being afraid to move ahead because we may feel we are not up to the task. Everyone has a fear: snakes, public speaking, the dark. Take something you are afraid of and challenge yourself to face it. This will remind you that you are capable of overcoming any challenge that life may throw your way.
Concentrate on what you want, not the goals of others. The lives of others most always seem better than our own, yet we all know that everyone has problems to deal with. We all wish for something better. Don’t fall into the trap of envying others. Concentrate on what you want out of life, what your next goal is, and don’t compare it to the goals of others. Most of the time, they go through the same difficulties in trying to achieve their own accomplishments.
Interact with your community. We need to know that there are others like us. Book clubs, gyms, churches, and school functions are great places to meet others that share your ideas or beliefs. These interactions give our life more flavor and provide the emotional, creative, or professional support to invigorate a passion for what we want.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Making real money

Everyone wants to make good money online.
Well, here are W. Smiths highlight of a few Top ways you can make money online... In a good way OK.
Top ways to make money online and offline
  1. No-risk matched betting. Hands down the quickest way to make a lot of money (well, without breaking the law). ...
  2. Online surveys. ...
  3. Paid for searching the web. ...
  4. Online market trading. ...
  5. Start your own website. ...
  6. Review websites & apps for cash. ...
  7. The 'Disney Vault' secret. ...
  8. 'Get Paid To' sites.    I may not totally agree with number 1,  but if you look at other, you could engage your time meaningfully. 

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Mutual Faith Blog: Two ways to Unleash your Potential

Mutual Faith Blog: Two ways to Unleash your Potential: #1 ASPIRATION Until you aspire you can’t acquire. Someone said what you don’t desire you don’t deserve. Living without a goal makes yo...

Two ways to Unleash your Potential

Until you aspire you can’t acquire. Someone said what you don’t desire you don’t deserve. Living without a goal makes you no better than a goat. Without ambition, your genius cannot come out! Many are gifted but they don’t care. They lack aspiration, therefore they lack success too.
Aspiration helps you to stretch your potentials. When you aspire, you dream big dreams. This in turn makes you to draw as much as you can from the deep fountain of resources in you –just to achieve those dreams.
Many people are too passive to succeed. There is no room for carefree people in the world of accomplishments. There is no star without an ambition and no ambition is fulfilled without maximizing inner potentials. Therefore, aspiration is a vital key for utilization of potential.
If you ever watch a football match, you will agree that when a team is a goal down 10 minutes into the game, in most cases, the tempo of the game would be normal. But if the team is still a goal down at 85 minutes, the tempo will be very high. Why? Because time is almost gone and the losing team would do everything it takes to find an equalizer before it gets to 90 minutes.
They had the potential at 10 minutes but the aspiration doubles at 85 minutes –because they’re running out of time. At 85 minutes, you see the full potential of the losing team in action. As they become more desperate, more of their ability shows. They make more desperate runs, long crosses, hard tackles and so on. They begin to do what they never did earlier in the game.
That’s the way it is in life. If you don’t aspire for anything, you cannot unleash the hidden genius in you!

Ignorance births stagnation and frustration. The understanding of who you are determines what you become. Many people don’t even know themselves. Very few people actually look within. There’s much on your inside, but you cannot know until you assess. Assessment is the mother of discovery.
First, you must assess what you have. What are the resources available to you? What are your gifts and talents? What do you hate and what do you love? What aren’t you good at? Are you ready to give up doing what you are not good at? Are you ready to pay more attention to the areas of your strength? These are very crucial self assessment questions you must answer.
Secondly, you must assess what you need and what you don’t need. What friends are you willing to give up? What routine is killing you? What routine is best for you? Who have you chosen as your mentor? What are the books you must read before the month runs out?
You must be willing to separate wants from needs. Many people are doing what appeals to them, not what they’re created for. For example, you don’t need to go to a music school when you know you’re a gifted athlete. You should be in the stadium instead. When you assess your potential, you must also assess what you need in order to enhance that potential.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Win $1000 for downloading my ebook now.

Hello there.
I'm offering you a great opportunity  to win $1000!
Just download my book "Your Talent and Your Destiny"
At a promo cost of just 1 dollars 43 cents. Yeah $1.43!
This will enter you into a draw. The Draw will take place on 7th Aug. When you download, notify me on twitter @isaacjohnakagu or Facebook @IsaacJohnAkagu.
Draw is just a few days away... So rush and download.
Follow this link to enter  
Share this post on your social media eg  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ etc... To increase your chances. Good luck!
Time is  ticking! 

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

My Blog got the Liebster Bloggers Award Nomination

Hello there, I just got an interesting nomination for the Liebster bloggers award; much to my amazement though because I’m considerably a newbie in blogging.
The liebster blogger award is an award given to bloggers by fellow bloggers who they consider inspiring and hardworking. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 
I was nominated by a great friend Christian Acha who owns the beautiful blog (Happiness is free). She’s an inspiration and you can view her blog here

The Liebster award rules:

1.      Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their site.

2.      Display an image of the award and write a post about your nomination on your blog.

3.      Answer the 10 questions your nominee has asked in their blog post.

4.      Nominate 5-10 other deserving new bloggers for the award and ask them 10 questions of your choice.

5.      List the rules of the award in your blog post.

Answers to Christiana Acha's questions:

1.  Tell us about your blog.
I own the Mutual Faith Blog. I got inspiration for this blog when I read Romans 1:12 (NIV). It says; “that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” My goal is to bring people together who will motivate themselves, inspire themselves and together, break the limits in their lives.

2. What has been the most rewarding experience your blog has brought you?

There’s nothing that inspires me more than the knowledge that I’ve been a blessing to someone. Every time I blog, there’s a sense of fulfillment. It’s not a one-time thing, it’s every time! 

3. What is the best piece of advice you can give your readers?

You are too gifted to die a mediocre. Start maximizing your God-given talents right away.  

4. What is your favorite travel destination and why?

In Nigeria it’s Calabar…it’s a nice place for Holidays. But overall, I’ll certainly go for London. I love the view from the air, especially when descending toward the Heathrow airport.   

6.  If someone were visiting your city or town, what would you suggest they do?

Well currently I’m in Lokoja. If you’re coming here for the first time, come with a lot of books to read cos there ain’t too many sights to see, to be sincere! But rest assured, it’s a peaceful place overall. 

7.  What makes you deliriously happy?

Frankly, it’s when I realize people are reading my books. 

8. What is your guilty pleasure?

Playing my championship manager.

 9. What is a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome?

Getting my thesis approved years back. I had a very difficult supervisor who was bent on frustrating me. But God frustrated him instead.

10. What are you most grateful in your life?

It was God giving me a second chance at living, many times. Very notably, in 2003, I took a short flight to Jos from Lagos. Then I decided to follow my cousin (who was working in the airport and also living close to the airport) to his house. We climbed his bike and on our way, we tumbled off the bike for reasons I don’t know till today. Suddenly we were lying flat in the middle of an express road and vehicles right behind us were on high speed.
That day I escaped death miraculously and I’m so grateful to God for that.

I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award:
Here are five lovely blogs anyone would love. I’m nominating them.

4. Home kitchenry:   
5. Minds Musings:

Friday, 21 July 2017

Awakening the Hidden Genius in You

You won't believe how gifted you are
It's time to stop living a frustrated life.
You're too gifted to die a mediocre!
I have a wonderful eResource for you.
Its going to show you how to uncap your capped capabilities,
Unearth your hidden potential,
Unleash the star in you
And become who you have dreamed of being.
Download it here!!!
You don't wanna ignore this.
Its your chance to emerge a star!

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Three Relationship Topics Young Folks don't Talk About Until It's Too Late!

Last week, I debated no less than three different relationship topics with various people on and off-line. Taken individually, no single topic was particularly groundbreaking. But, when I began thinking about them in total I realized they’re topics that we think about but don’t like to discuss because the conversation is usually uncomfortable. Instead, we avoid the topics and hope they work themselves out on their own when we already know they never will. Below are three topics people should discuss in the beginning of a relationship but they often don’t have until the end…
1. Is Being Faithful Hard?
Rather than answer this question, I’ll ask another question. If being faithful is easy, then why do so many people cheat? Have you asked your partner if they’ve always been faithful or their thoughts on cheating?
To be clear, I’m not only talking about physical encounters. Many people limit their definition of cheating to physical encounters. However, most infidelities don’t leap to the physical. You often work your way up to the physical point, so what about all those missteps you took on your way there?
What about all those indiscretions you overlooked, ignored, or somehow excused until the inevitable? You know the type: the extra DM on Twitter, the inappropriate ‘Like’ on a Facebook picture you had no business viewing in the first place, or the “hey, how have you been?” message to an X even though you’re in a new relationship. Then there is real life: the extra flirtatious laugh, touch, or suggestion you give or overlook from a person of interest. You know you respective statuses so instead you entice each other, playfully at first, until that invisible line between flirtatiously innocent suggestions and outright deceitful actions blurs beyond recognition. What then?
When I posed the question on Twitter, most people responded that being faithful is easy. This is an interesting theory. Are those who are faithful relatively stronger than those who are not? If so, what makes them so strong? Is it a strong moral resolve? Code? Ethics? Or do they simply have more will power than their cheat prone counterparts? Does this mean once a cheater, always a cheater? If so, then telling someone who has cheated to simply avoid or stop cheating is like telling a drug addict to stop doing drugs. Yes, you’ve identified a solution, but if it were that simple then no one would cheat (or do drugs). This is why I think it’s important to identify the true cause in order to successfully address the issue rather than make blanket and dismissive statement. Further, it may help to determine is it harder to be faithful than it is to cheat? Do men or women have it harder or easier? Is cheating more about avoiding situations that can lead to infidelity or having the strength to resist all opportunities real or imagined?
2. Is arguing a natural part of every relationship?

Last week Roland Martin tweeted:
RT @RolandSMartin: A # of youre saying how wrong I am. That’s because you’ve accepted arguing as being part of a relationship. I DON’T.
Can you genuinely remove arguing from a relationship or do you believe arguing is a natural part of a healthy relationship? What happens if you find arguing detrimental but your partner finds it natural? What’s the difference between an argument and a debate?
I always hate to prescribe definitive answers to emotional or subjective subjects. I’ve been in relationships where we never argued and I’ve been in relationships where we argued all the time. However, neither relationship was relatively better than the other. Sometimes the relationship I was in where we never agued might have benefited from us putting facts on the table, even if they made us uncomfortable. Conversely, in the relationship where we always agued, there were times when we would make petty arguments into grand stands, because we were trying to gain ground based on an important argument we lost days, weeks, or months ago. At times, we were immature and petty, but there were few times where we held back our feelings. Obviously a balance is best, but biting your tongue to maintain peace is often no better than getting everything out of your system in the present in order to have peace in the future.
3. Is your significant other entitled to your social media passwords in a committed relationship?
From Black And Married With Kids:
A Michigan man is now being sued by his ex-wife after he read her e-mails and learned of her extramarital affair with her (allegedly abusive) ex-husband. Got that?
The prosecution argues that he “hacked” into her e-mail, basing the justification of the charges on a criminal statute that is typically used to prosecute governmental hackers.
He claims that he used the computer all the time and she kept her passwords in a little book next to the computer. Simple click-clack of the keys and he was in.
Harmless, right? I’m not sure.
What are your thoughts? Do you have access to your significant other’s social media accounts? Do they have access to yours? Why or why not? Does not providing your password automatically mean you’re hiding something?

I don’t care if the Queen wants my passwords. I also feel like she shouldn’t have to ask. As they say, if you go looking for trouble, you’re bound to find it. In my opinion, you shouldn’t need my passwords because there shouldn’t be anything you ever need to verify. You should be able to ask me a question and expect that I will answer you honestly. If you don’t trust my response, then in my opinion that is the real issue. Some people say your wife (or family) should know your password so they can access your account in the case of your untimely death, to which my response is, “like hell they do.” If I’ve passed away, I can think of absolutely no good that will come from you having access to my various accounts. In fact, if I unexpectedly pass away, just throw my laptop in the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.
Did you enjoy the perspective offered in this article? Check out our homepage for more candid content from the SBM team.
1) Do you discuss these topics when you’re vetting someone for a serious relationship? 2) What are some other topics you’ve learned the hard way that you should have asked early on in the dating process? 3) What are some other topics not covered today that people don’t discuss until it’s too late? 4) Which topic do you know needs to be had but you hate talking about the most?

#Child Training

Solomon’s advice to parents is to “train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Raising and training a child within the context of this proverb means that it begins with the Bible, as “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training…” (2 Timothy 3:16). Teaching children the truths of Scripture will make them wise for salvation (2 Timothy 3:15); thoroughly equip them to do good works (2 Timothy 3:17); prepare them to give an answer to everyone who asks them the reason for their hope (1 Peter 3:15); and prepare them to withstand the onslaught of cultures bent on indoctrinating young people with secular values.

The Bible tells us that children are a reward from God (Psalm 127:3). It would certainly seem fitting, then, that we heed Solomon’s wise counsel to train them appropriately. In fact, the value that God placed on teaching our children the truth is clearly addressed by Moses who stressed to his people the importance of teaching their children about the Lord and His commands and laws: “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and your gates” (Deuteronomy 6:7-9). Moses’ thoroughness underscores his deep concern that successive generations maintain obedience to God’s laws to ensure they would “live safely in the land” (Leviticus 25:18), that all would “go well” with them (Deuteronomy 12:28), and that He would bless them in the land (Deuteronomy 30:16).

Clearly Scripture teaches that training children to know and obey God is the basis for pleasing Him and living victoriously in His grace. Knowing God and His truths begins with the child’s understanding of sin and his need for a Savior. Even very young children understand that they are not perfect and can grasp at an early age the need for forgiveness. Loving parents model a loving God who not only forgives, but provides the perfect sacrifice for sin in Jesus Christ. Training up children in the way they should go means, first and foremost, directing them to the Savior.

Discipline is an integral part of raising godly children, for we know that the “LORD disciplines those He loves” (Proverbs 3:12). Thus, we should neither take discipline lightly nor become disheartened by it as the Lord “punishes everyone He accepts as a son” (Hebrews 12:5-6). And we know that God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness (Hebrews 12:10). Likewise, when we discipline our children, they receive wisdom (Proverbs 29:15) and they will bring us peace (Proverbs 29:17) and respect (Hebrew 12:9). In fact, even at a tender age children are able to discern that discipline is rooted in love. That is why children who grow up in homes without discipline often feel unloved and are more likely to disobey authority as they grow older. Now, the discipline administered should be commensurate with the offense and physical discipline, such as spanking (rightly motivated), is certainly condoned by the Bible (Proverbs 13:24, 22:15, 23:13-14). Indeed discipline, though it may seem unpleasant when received, will produce a “harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).

Parents should have the same zeal for teaching their children that Moses did. Parents have been given the privilege of being stewards of their children’s lives for a very short time, but the teaching and training they provide is eternal. According to the promise of Proverbs, a child who is diligently trained in the “way he should go” will remain true to that way in this life and reap its rewards in the next.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

First 50 people to share this post Gets $50

Hey! Big chance! Don't miss this!
First 50 people to share this post on Twitter,  Facebook or other social media and also follow us on Twitter @isaacjohnakagu
gets $50 in return.
Quick... Let's see who wins. 

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How to Walk Out on Poverty

Change your bad money habits

Most of our money problems come from various bad financial moves we keep on making out of habit, laziness or just not knowing better.

Unsubscribe from shopping sites, stop reading magazines that make you buy

If you don’t get ANY news about a new sale, chances are you won’t know or care about it. Too many times we forget to de-clutter our inboxes, which means we waste time with reading all this junk and it also makes us want to buy, triggering something that’s called ‘Fear of Missing Out‘. If you know you won’t resist temptation, cut the connection with such magazines, newsletters and the likes.

Stop using your savings for whims

Understand the difference between wants and needs.
No, you don’t need a new TV set, as long as your current ones still works. You do need shelter and food, maybe medication.
It’s OK to deplete your savings for a real medical emergency, it’s not such a great idea to do so to purchase that new iPhone you crave for.

Give up expensive (and unhealthy) habits

Do you smoke? Congratulations. You’re slowly killing yourself (and those near you), while also wasting thousands of dollars each year with something that brings absolutely no value to your lifestyle.
Same with video-games (if you are paying for premium items). While you’re wasting a lot of valuable hours, that could be used to earn a side income, get better educated or just spend time with your dear ones, you’re also forking your hard-earned money for useless virtual crap.

Stop lending money to others

Yes, you want to be a great friend and help those in need. But this can (and usually does) backfire. You’ll either need to wait for months/years to get your money back or even never get it back.
Happened to me few times and I’m not willing to do it again.

Be charitable, but with a limit

There are people who are giving A LOT of money to charities, while still struggling to make ends meet.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m all for giving back to society, helping someone in need etc. It’s noble to think farther than your own needs.
But don’t spend a lot of money on charity, when you are broke. Use more money to get out of your financial problems and then you can increase your donations.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Don't Give Up Your Dreams Because of Scorners!

In 1983, Ron Kenoley, having just dedicated his life to Christ, began trying to get a christian record deal. For many years, it wasn't successful. He even at one point released a single titled"you've gotta listen to this". But it never sold past his neighborhood.
Perhaps he was mocked. Some people probably said his tapes were"lying fallow". But where are those people now? Well in 1992, he eventually got his breakthrough with"lift him up" and integrity music label. He became sought after. His destiny opened up. But the beginning was small.
Never give up your dreams because of myopic minded people around you. People often don't understand why you should dream big in the firs place. So when you try something unusual and its not working at the start, they begin to mock at you, they despise what you do and try to discourage you
But don't give up your dreams because of them. Ignore them, they have small minds. Like Ron Kenoley, be persistent. Never mind the small beginning. Your breakthrough will come. You are a star in the making. You are amazing! You are a masterpiece. Begin to manifest no matter how small. Your destiny will open up.
Say Amen!
Make sure you share this! 

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Do You Have a Dream?

The question was once asked of a highly successful businessman, “How have you done so much in your lifetime?”

He replied, “I grow great by dreams. I have turned my mind loose to imagine what I wanted to do. Then I have gone to bed and thought about my dreams. In the night I dream about my dreams. And when I awoke in the morning, I saw the way to make my dreams real. While other people were saying, ‘You can’t do that, it is impossible,’ I was well on my way to achieving what I wanted.”As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., said: “We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.”

“As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., said: “We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.”

They see things in the soft haze of a spring day, or in the red fire on a long winter’s evening. Some of us let these dreams die, but others nourish and protect them; nourish them through bad days until they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true.

So please, don not let anyone steal your dreams, or try to tell you they are too impossible.

“Sing your songs, and dream your dreams, hope your hope and pray your prayer.”

Saturday, 1 July 2017


I want to share with you a few ways you can inspire yourself to get out of where you are. You’ll soon find yourself achieving great results in your life.
Be sincere to admit you need a change of level
Too many people are comfortable with mediocrity. Many others don’t even know they deserve a better life than where they are at. You must stop enjoying where you’ve been for the last 10 years; if you want to advance from there.
The four lepers got tired of staying at the gates. They sincerely realized that they were far below the level they ought to have been. That was the beginning of their change of level.
Pause and have a quick self examination. Are you still on a level you know you should have surpassed? If that’s the case, what are you doing to force your way into your next level?
Begin to learn
There’s no end to learning. You are where you are because that’s how far your knowledge could bring you. If you want to achieve more, learn more! People ahead of you know some things you don’t.
Some religious people don’t have value for learning. They tell you it’s only the grace of God that can make you successful. Well, that’s true, but grace in itself multiplies by knowledge (2 Peter 1:2).
Stop waiting for God to “do it” automatically. He said to go for knowledge. Begin to find out what you have and have not done. Begin to ask questions. Begin to read about success stories. Remember that people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)
Never take your eyes off your goals
Distraction is the mother of destruction. Never lose your focus! What you pay attention to determines the level of inspiration that is generated on your inside. A man without a goal is no better than a goat. Goals inspire you for greatness. Therefore, you must focus on your goals.
When you pen down your visions, they become goals that you run with. In life, if you aren’t running after something, failure would be running after you. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to make plain upon tables our visions. When you keep your eye on your goals, actions are born. Nothing inspires you to take action than focus. Therefore, you must avoid distractions.
Whenever you take a step toward your destiny, the devil makes some noise. If you turn your head to listen to him, your whole body turns along. Consequently, your direction changes and you begin to head the wrong way in life. That’s why you must ignore people who the devil uses as agents of distraction. Focus on your goals!
Be inspired by successful people
If there were no successful people on earth, there’d have been no reason to be hopeful. But thank God, there are many success stories around the world today. You know what? I don’t only get inspired by my goals. I get even more inspired just by the knowledge that people ahead of me have recorded huge feats, and I can surpass them.
You need to acknowledge the fact that there’s no excuse for failure. If you’re a blogger for example, there have been very successful bloggers before you. If you are a writer, there’ve been many very successful writers before you. Whatever you aim at, know that people have been absolutely successful before you.
This gives us a reason to be hopeful. If they could do it, you can do much more! God has no respect for persons. Don’t be angry at people around you who have succeeded. Rather, be inspired by them.
Ignore vision-less people
There are people that have no vision at all. Friend, run away from them. Vision-less people are contagious. Remember that iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). You cannot achieve much more than your company permits. If you walk with the wise for example, you will be wise. But a companion of fools will always be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20).

I love to move with goal-obsessed people. Obsession is contagious also. If you walk with someone obsessed with his vision, your obsession for yours will double. Nothing makes you more successful than the right company.

Friday, 30 June 2017

The Power of Mutual Faith

"Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment on the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garment. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountain of Zion: for the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.” (Psalms 133:1-3)
      This portion of scripture is the record of one of the songs of King David –as inspired by the Lord. Note that in virtually every psalm, there in a divine revelation, instruction or encouragement for the believers.
      This particular one is no exception at all. It’s a clear revelation of what happens when the body of Christ is united. First the psalmist said behold how good. That is, it is simply a good thing for the body of Christ to be united; for brethren to dwell together in unity.
      In contrast, it is bad for the body of Christ, when it is not united. Ill things happen. The devil is given a free course to operate and the people are not able to fulfill their glorious destinies in Christ. Same thing happens in organizations; when their members are not united, there is no advancement.
      In the next verse, the psalmist used a very beautiful illustration; comparing what happens in any united group to the ointment on the head of Aaron –which ran down through his beard to his skirt (top to bottom). In the times of old, ointment refers to a form of perfume or scent. In other portions of the Bible, it refers to anointing or unction. We can conclude therefore that ointment, as used in this text refers to the unction for advancement that comes upon every group, church or family when they are united together. It refers to the bond that operates from the head of the group through its hierarchy to the last person. When such bond is in place, the things that happen thereafter are how pleasant.
      Furthermore, the third verse compares what happens in every united group to the dew of Hermon. Dew as we all know brings with it a cool and fresh atmosphere. This is a symbol of Peace. The body of Christ experiences Peace that passes all understanding, when it is united together.
        Just How Important is Mutual Faith?
      “Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man; unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).
      First, know that mutual faith builds an undefeatable church. It makes the believers too strong for the enemy. The unity of faith produces people who are according to this verse, perfect men –who have grown unto the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ. Simply put, when believers unite together in any group, they operate above the natural. They are unstoppable.
      1 Peter 3:8-9 gives this admonition: “finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.” My understanding of this verse is that every united church is a blessed church. Every united family is a prosperous one. Same with every other group you could think of. When you are all of one mind, you are sure to inherit a blessing.
      Do you know that Jesus even prayed to the Father that the church should be united? He said “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one even as we are one. I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one…” (John 17:22-23). He craved that the church should be one –which is a requirement for perfection.
      Also, Jesus did not only pray for unity among believers, He took deliberate steps to unite them. That’s why He said “and other sheep I have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.” (John 10:16). He was consciously going out to bring everyone into one fold. If Jesus could pray and deliberately unite believers, then mutual faith is non-negligible! It helps the church to be made perfect in one.  
      Listen to the admonition of Paul; “Now I beseech you brethren, by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” (1 Corinthians 1:10). I love the phrase that ye all speak the same thing. That is, everyone being of one language –no one contradicting another. Such groups would simply be unstoppable.
      If you read Romans 12:15-21, you will discover that the whole essence of the Church in the first place is to unite the world –producing people who would be of the same mind, condescend to people of low estate, operating in love and doing no evil. Our Gospel cannot be preached correctly unless we are united in faith (Philippians 1:27).
      Everything goes well when believers operate in the unity of faith. Churches grow, families thrive, the body of Christ is undefeatable and God’s Name is glorified (1 Corinthians 12:12).
      Ecclesiastes 4:9 says “two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour.” What accompanies every united group is a good reward for their labour. They make unstoppable progress. In Verse 12 of the same chapter, it says “…a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
      I admonish us therefore according to Ephesians 4:3 to “Endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace!”  

Sunday, 25 June 2017


One night in mid 2011, I was in the “common room” of the hostel block where I lived in the university; to watch a football match. As at this time, I was a final year student. The match was an “el-classico” between Real Madrid and Barcelona; and you could imagine how packed the common room was.  
The hall was so filled up that there were no longer chairs to sit on. Therefore, those of us who arrived a bit late had to stand behind. As our custom was, we usually switched off the lights so that we could feel as though we were in a cinema. That way, we could enjoy whatsoever we were watching.
Mid-way through the game, somebody shouted “Snake!, Snake!” Everybody began to run out. Remember the lights were turned off; the room was dark and jam-packed. Everyone was running, not just because of the snake, but because it was dark and you never knew if the supposed snake was just underneath your leg.
Those thoughts ran through my mind within seconds and I wasn’t even close to the door. There was only one exit and as a result, people began to fall at the mouth of the door as everyone attempted getting out fast. It resulted to a bit of a stampede.
As I scrambled my way toward the exit, it became glaring that I wouldn’t reach the door as fast as I ought to. By this time, the thought was coming so strong into my mind again; “the snake could be close to your feet right now.”
Adjacent the exit door was a wall with a very small window close to the ceiling. The window was so narrow and high, it was far above my head. On a normal day, I wouldn’t dare to jump through that window. It was too high. But when the thoughts of the snake increased in my mind, I never knew where the motivation came from. I just found myself jumping up, grabbing the window, pulling myself high and scaling through to the other side of the wall; landing at the courtyard.
All these -from the moment the snake alarm was raised to the moment I landed in the courtyard, was about 20 seconds. How could I have done such an incredible thing within a few seconds? Something must have pushed me inside. Of course, something must have chased me right? My word! I was motivated.
Interestingly, we all got to find out that the snake alarm was just a false-alarm. The guy who raised the alarm just played a prank on us. You could imagine how mad at him we all were.
However, that day, I discovered I could do something I never imagined I could even try. I did it without preparation. I had this un-tapped ability in me already but I never knew until something came up.
That’s how it is in life. Everybody on earth has un-tapped abilities that are yet to be expressed. Many people have potentials that are yet to manifest. The reason is simple; they are not challenging themselves enough to bring out those potentials.
Dr. Myles Munroe (of blessed memory) used to tell us that the graveyard is the richest place on earth. His reasons were simple. That’s where you’ll find books that were never published, songs that were never written, stories that remained untold and visions that never saw the light of the day.
I could jump through that window because something challenged me inside. In life, you have to challenge yourself. In physics, we are told that an object will always remain at the same spot until a relevant force is applied to it.
Similarly, life will always be stagnated of anyone who will not challenge himself to move forward. You cannot be great because you are gifted. You will only become great when you manifest yourself in areas of your gifting.

~Isaac John Akagu
-excerpt  from my book: Unleashing the Star in You. 

Friday, 23 June 2017

Sources of Talents

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”   (James 1:17)
“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above who created all heaven’s lights; unlike them, He never changes or casts shifting shadows.”    (James 1:17, NLT)
There are good gifts and there are bad gifts. But every good gift comes from God. In fact, everything God deposited in man was good. However, through satanic influences, some people acquire bad gifts from the devil.
Jesus explains this better in John 8:44. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it”
Jesus says the devil is father to certain individuals who will replicate his characteristics –a murderer and a liar. Also, the devil is called the thief and the destroyer in John 10:10.
There are people who are gifted liars; but God couldn’t have gifted anyone to lie. It must behave come from the devil. It’s a bad gift. There are people who are talented thieves; they just pick up anything they see. They got that from their father –the devil. There are many murderers, destroyers adulterers and so on. God never gives such gifts to anyone. They’re all from the devil, no doubt.
Those under the influence of Satan are gifted with bad talents, but those under God’s influence exhibit good gifts. It’s simple! In 1 John 3:9-10, John the Beloved said “whosoever is born of God does not commit sin…In this, the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil; whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God…”The Apostle clearly states that there are Children of God and there are children of the devil. Everyone exhibits the gifting of whom he belongs.
With Whom is No Variableness!
God is never partial. He gave gifts to all men (Ephesians 4:8); and there is no variableness with his gifts (James 1:17). He doesn’t give powerful gifting to some and less important ones to others. Your talent is just as important as anyone else’ own. God has no respect for persons (2 Chronicles 19:7b). He’s given good gifts to everyone.
Your success depends on how you are able to utilize yours. Romans 9:12 says “…the same lord over all is rich unto all…” Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:4: “Now there are diversities (different types) of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are different administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all” (Emphasis mine).
Also, “There is One body and One Spirit, even as ye are called in One hope of your calling: One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and One Father of all, who is above all and through all and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:4-7).
There is a measure of the gift of Christ in everyone; and it is a pointer to each one’s destiny. We’re in the same Body of Christ but we’re given diversities of gifts to function in different areas. These gifts come from God –the Father of lights; with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning.

~Isaac John Akagu
(Excerpt from my book:  your talent and your destiny) 

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Thinking Your Way into Greatness

It is mentality that determines destiny. Your mindset determines your future from the outset. Your imagination is what sets the pace for your destination. Stop thinking small. Good thinking births good products. Ben Carson wrote a popular book titled “Think Big.” The title says everything. Right from when I first saw that title as a teenager, my thinking changed even before opening the book.
Many people dream small dreams. You cannot make global impact unless you think big. Aim very high in your mind; whatever you do. There’s no limit to any height. I hear people say “the sky is the limit.” But the sky is not a wall, and there are places far beyond it. Therefore aim beyond the sky; it shouldn’t be your limit. Many people can’t see themselves anywhere outside that little job they are managing. There’s really no limit around your life except in your mind.
Thoughts are machines of the mind with constructive or destructive tendencies. For you to achieve great success in life, you have to change your thoughts.
You’re the character of your thoughts. The things you have today– the level you’re in your life today — the material things you have and friends that surround you came as a result of your thoughts (You just didn’t know).

The totality of your personality–the things you do–and the character of your words are all expression of your thought process.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Maximizing Opportunities

The journey to stardom begins with expectation of opportunities. Emily Dickinson wrote “not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.” What you don’t anticipate you don’t actualize.
Don’t live perpetually with a negative mindset. Be on a constant lookout for opportunities that will turn your life around. Expect them to come. Believe they exist. Look for crisis and try to phantom out how they could be solved.

Prosperity lies in the solutions you provide. But you cannot provide solutions where there are no crises. Therefore, crises are the custodians of opportunities. I expect opportunities every day because there is crisis every day.
I love what Richard Branson said: “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!” You can’t afford to let go of opportunities; always say yes! Accept them, seize them.
Many people for the fear of their incapacity, let go of opportunities. They don’t think they can do certain things properly. But God brings opportunities your way because He knows what He’s put inside you. Opportunities are indicators and pointers that you’re gifted and capable. 

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Unleashing the Star in You: Practice

There is the story of a young Nigerian who once played in the NBA. One year, he had a very bad season and was on the verge of losing his place in the team. To avoid this, he hired a personal trainer who put him on a regime of 600 throws per day. This training went on for six months.
At the end of the training period, he turned into something else. He went on to become the best player in the league the following season. He had the potential, but he needed to turn that into a result producing skill via practice.
In 1 Samuel 16, there was a boy called David who later became the King of Israel. He was once described as man cunning (skillful) in music. He had developed his skill to a point of recognition. It eventually took him to the palace of Saul. When there was a need for a musician, he was sought after.
Many people think David was chosen just because he was anointed. There is no anointing to play music. He had developed a skill in it through secret practice. What he did in the secret announced him in public.
There’s a popular saying; “practice makes perfect.” That is, through practice, you can develop your potentials to a point of perfection. What you do consistently determines what you become perpetually.
Skills are direct products of practice. You don’t wish to be skillful, you work at it. It requires training. Start training that voice if that’s your flair. You are an athlete? Start running at odd hours when others are asleep. You crack funny jokes? Then work on it to a point of professionalism. You love to encourage? Then go make more people happy.

Whatever your area of potential, you need to practice your way to a point of perfection. What you do in secret will determine what you become in the open.

To read more, download my free ebook "How to Create Success" here

Monday, 20 February 2017

Why You Can't Afford to Die Small

“Now to him that is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)
There’s nothing God is going to do for you outside what He has put in you. You are already blessed; you only need to activate the blessing by maximizing your giftings. The verse above, God can do even more than we fantasize, but He’s only going to do that according to his power that is at work within us. That power within talks about your talent.
Let’s analyze Ephesians 3:20.
*    Talents Produce Unquantifiable Success
Based on the power within, God can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. What talent can produce is immeasurable. There are many super-rich athletes, inventors, musicians, artists, and so on.
Tiger Woods is said to be worth over $600 million, Michael Jordan; over $1 billion, Paul McCartney; $1.2 billion, and many more. These are people like every other. Anyone who would put his or her potential to work could achieve even more.   
*    God cannot build a life for you outside what He’s put in you
Many people pray for blessing and breakthrough, but it doesn’t seem forthcoming. Many expect God to pour money down from heaven. Everything required for you to be successful is already within you. You can accomplish mind-blowing, record setting and outstanding feats with your talents.  God is not going to build a life for you except you maximize the potentials He’s placed in you. You can achieve through your potentials what you may never achieve through your bloodline.
*    You Must Put the Power to Work
The latter part of our text says “…according to his power that is at work within us.” The power has to be at work. It mustn’t remain dormant. You need to deploy your giftings before you can see any results. This talks about training. It is the gift you train that will make you reign in life.
In physics, power is related to work. In fact, power is the rate at which work is done. The Bible refers to your gifting as ‘power’; therefore, you must put it to work. Slothfulness births poverty. (Proverbs 10:4).
It’s Open Doors Galore
“A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men.” (Proverbs 18:16)
Some preachers use this verse out of context. A man’s gift refers to his talent; -it’s not talking about offering, as erroneously taught. It talks about your potential. It makes room for you once utilized.
Doors give you access to rooms. Similarly, a man’s gift maketh room for him. That also means your talents will open doors for you. They put you side by side with great mean. They usher you into places where blessings await. You can find yourself before presidents, and kings; and top leaders just by maximizing your potentials. Talents pitch you with important people.
Another version says “a man’s gift works wonders.” In the third chapter, I talked about an artist that sold two of his paintings for $200 million; and that’s not even the most expensive. Gifts work wonders!  
Talents, when utilized, create connections. Stop looking for connections elsewhere, work on your potentials; they’ll create the connections. One time, a king named Saul was under the torture of evil spirits. One day he gave permission to his servants to go get him a man who is “a cunning player of the harp,” who is also filled with the Spirit of God. Then they found David, who had both the skill required and the spirit of the Lord; and he was taken from the bush to the palace (1 Samuel 16:14-23).
Proverbs 17:8 says: “A Gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: withersoever it turneth, it prospereth.” Talents are more valuable than precious stones. You can re-write history making the most of them. The gifts of God cannot be purchased with money, but they can produce money (Acts 8:20). Great men don’t give you talents; rather, talents bring you before great men.
According to Proverbs 22:29, if you are diligent in your business, you will stand before kings and not mean men. You’ve got to be committed. Maximized talents put you before people that matter.
Many young Africans have the “get rich quick syndrome.” A lot of people invest very little or no time at all in training themselves let alone developing skills. Lack of commitment produces negligence. Negligence leads to failure. Failure generates annoyance. Annoyance generates frustration. Frustration leads to hatred –of self and others. So, get committed!

Favour for Rulership

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