Tuesday, 25 July 2017

My Blog got the Liebster Bloggers Award Nomination

Hello there, I just got an interesting nomination for the Liebster bloggers award; much to my amazement though because I’m considerably a newbie in blogging.
The liebster blogger award is an award given to bloggers by fellow bloggers who they consider inspiring and hardworking. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 
I was nominated by a great friend Christian Acha who owns the beautiful blog (Happiness is free). She’s an inspiration and you can view her blog here www.christianaacha.com

The Liebster award rules:

1.      Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their site.

2.      Display an image of the award and write a post about your nomination on your blog.

3.      Answer the 10 questions your nominee has asked in their blog post.

4.      Nominate 5-10 other deserving new bloggers for the award and ask them 10 questions of your choice.

5.      List the rules of the award in your blog post.

Answers to Christiana Acha's questions:

1.  Tell us about your blog.
I own the Mutual Faith Blog. I got inspiration for this blog when I read Romans 1:12 (NIV). It says; “that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” My goal is to bring people together who will motivate themselves, inspire themselves and together, break the limits in their lives.

2. What has been the most rewarding experience your blog has brought you?

There’s nothing that inspires me more than the knowledge that I’ve been a blessing to someone. Every time I blog, there’s a sense of fulfillment. It’s not a one-time thing, it’s every time! 

3. What is the best piece of advice you can give your readers?

You are too gifted to die a mediocre. Start maximizing your God-given talents right away.  

4. What is your favorite travel destination and why?

In Nigeria it’s Calabar…it’s a nice place for Holidays. But overall, I’ll certainly go for London. I love the view from the air, especially when descending toward the Heathrow airport.   

6.  If someone were visiting your city or town, what would you suggest they do?

Well currently I’m in Lokoja. If you’re coming here for the first time, come with a lot of books to read cos there ain’t too many sights to see, to be sincere! But rest assured, it’s a peaceful place overall. 

7.  What makes you deliriously happy?

Frankly, it’s when I realize people are reading my books. 

8. What is your guilty pleasure?

Playing my championship manager.

 9. What is a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome?

Getting my thesis approved years back. I had a very difficult supervisor who was bent on frustrating me. But God frustrated him instead.

10. What are you most grateful in your life?

It was God giving me a second chance at living, many times. Very notably, in 2003, I took a short flight to Jos from Lagos. Then I decided to follow my cousin (who was working in the airport and also living close to the airport) to his house. We climbed his bike and on our way, we tumbled off the bike for reasons I don’t know till today. Suddenly we were lying flat in the middle of an express road and vehicles right behind us were on high speed.
That day I escaped death miraculously and I’m so grateful to God for that.

I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award:
Here are five lovely blogs anyone would love. I’m nominating them.

4. Home kitchenry: http://homekitchenary.com/   
5. Minds Musings: http://mindsmusings.com/

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