Saturday, 28 January 2017

Danger of Time Wastage: "Do you really think you have forever?"

One of the most important verses in the Bible is Ecclesiastes 3:1: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Every God-given assignment is timed. There is a timeframe. Remember you have an assignment plus a talent to help you fulfill that assignment. But every assignment has an appointed time.
In the physical, there is rainy season and there is dry season. When it’s dry season, rain stops. Similarly, we are all here on earth for a season. In fact, life itself is timed. No one was designed to live in the flesh forever.
Therefore you must maximize all your potentials while you have the time. Jesus said in John 9:4, “I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work.” There is a night time coming.
I’ve heard some people say “I wish I had a second chance.” Most times they never get it. Do all you need to do now so that you won’t be found at 70 trying to do what you should have done at 30.

1. Time wastage makes you live a sorried life when you get old
2. It makes your mates to leave you behind
3. It frustrates plans and purposes
4. To waste your time is to wast your life. In fact, time is LIFE

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Losing Weight: Six Unbeatable Steps

1. Prioritize real, whole foods.

Make sure that everything you're eating is whole — as in nothing processed or packaged. Since salt is a preservative, these are the foods that are highest in sodium — something to keep in mind when planning your meals. Plan on making sure that all items you choose are fresh: that means filling up of fresh juice and veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean protein.

2. Know your limits with salt.

When it comes by buying snacks, a "low sodium" product has to be 140mg or less per serving — so if you're REALLY in a bind, you can follow that guideline for what to put in your card.

3. Go for that cup of joe.

Start your day with a Cup of cofee. Caffeine is a natural diuretic and an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage. You can have up to 400mg — about a Venti Starbucks coffee — daily, according to the 2015 US guidelines
Not much of a coffee drinker? Tea is also a natural diuretic, and types of herbal tea such as dandelion or fennel root can also lend a hand. In fact: When a recent study compared the metabolic effect of green tea (in extract) with that of a placebo, researchers found that the green-tea drinkers burned about 70 additional calories in a 24-hour period.

4. ...and skip sugar-y beverages.

Plain and simple: We just don't feel full by liquid calories in quite the same way as we do real foodDrinking a juice or caramel-y coffee drink, for instance, won't make you feel full the way eating a bowl of veggie-and-protein packed stir-fry will. So monitor your intake of juice, soda, sweetened coffee and tea drinks and alcoholic beverages. If you consume one of each of those beverages during the day, you'll have taken in at least 800 extra calories by nighttime — and you'll still be hungry. (Incidentally, alcohol may suppress the metabolism of fat, making it tougher for you to burn those calories.) Some other ways to skip sugar?

5. Buy a set of 5-pound weights.

It's a one-time investment you'll never regret. Here's why: strength training builds lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories — at work or at rest — 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The more lean muscle you have, the faster you'll slim down. How do you start strength training? Try some push-ups or a few squats or lunges. Use your free weights to perform simple biceps curls or triceps pulls right in your home or office. Do these exercises three to four times per week, and you'll soon see a rapid improvement in your physique.

6. Eat spicy foods — seriously!

It can actually help you cut back on calories. That's because the compound capsaicin, a compound found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers, may (slightly) increase your body's release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which can speed up your metabolism and your ability to burn calories. What's more, eating hot peppers may help slow you down as you eat, since you're less likely to wolfed ow that spicy plate o'spaghetti (and stay more mindful of when you're full). Some great ones (with additional benefits): Ginger, turmeric, black pepper, oregano and jalapenos.

Great Wife, Great Home: Secret of the Best Marriages

1. Give respect to your husband.
We husbands don’t like to admit it, but we are absolutely desperate for your respect! When we believe that you believe in us, we feel like we can conquer the world, but when we believe you don’t believe in us, we can barely get through the day. Even in those moments when your husband doesn’t “deserve” your respect, give it anyways, and your actions will actually help shape him into the courageous man of character God intended for him to be.
“So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:33
2. Be yourself (and allow your husband to be himself too).
Bring out the best in each other, but never try to change each other. Be the unique masterpiece God created you to be, and allow your husband to do the same (quirks and all)! As I’ve already stated above, you can learn from others, but don’t feel like you’ve got to compare yourself or your life to anyone else.
“For you are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for you to do.” Ephesians 2:10
3. Create a positive tone in the home.
More than any other person in the house, the wife has the power to set the tone in the home, so set a good one! Foster an atmosphere where encouragement, laughter, discipline, hard work, fun, love and grace all flow together in harmony. For more on this, check out our free video series on The 4 Pillars of a Strong Marriage.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.” Proverbs 31:25-27
4. Prioritize what happens in the bedroom.
It takes more than sex to build a strong marriage, but it’s nearly impossible to build a strong marriage without it. For most men, sexual fulfillment is their number one need in marriage, and by making it a priority, every aspect of the marriage will usually improve as a result. For more on this, check out our new video series on building a stronger and more fulfilling sex life in marriage.
“The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs.” 1 Corinthians 7:3
5. Fall in love…with God!
The more you love God, the more capacity you will have to love your husband, your kids and yourself. Make your relationship with Him the foundation of your life and everything else will fall into place.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.” Proverbs 31:30-31
For some inspiring true stories and practical tools to help you build a rock-solid marriage, please read our bestselling book iVow: Secrets to a Stronger Marriage which is now also available for eBook download on iTunes for iPhones and iPads.
For daily encouragement to strengthen your marriage and family, please connect with me on twitter.
If this post helped you, please share it on social media by clicking the links below so we can strengthen more marriages.

6 Habits of Every Happy Mom

1. Ask for help
Happy mothers are not afraid to ask for help from family and friends. While morose, martyred moms miss those out-of-town weekends and movie nights with their husband because they can't find a babysitter or a willing relative, Very Happy Moms just say, "Please."
    2. Leave the house -- now
    Have you been outside today? Fresh air, sunlight, and nature are believed to be critical mood enhancers for women, and moms can get this little lift while pushing strollers or swings. Look around that playground. Who looks happy? Go talk to her, right now.
      3. Plan some big fun
      In my research, I've found that VHMs work really hard to find time and money for vacations. Take away the alarm clocks, the homework, the deadlines...bring on the sunsets, the sand castles, the card games. Suddenly you remember why you spend so much time doing these people's laundry.
        4. Get your groove on
        You call him "honey," and he calls you "sugar" -- but are you giving each other enough sweetness? Happy moms like getting busy. It'll put a smile on your face. And it's nice to have a Very Happy Husband hanging around.
          5. Eat, sleep, and be merry
          Being sleep-deprived may be a badge of honor for those with young babies, but the sooner you can figure out how to get your eight hours back, the more delirious with joy you will be. Follow that well-deserved rest with a bowl of oatmeal and a banana instead of three cups of coffee and the remains of somebody's Pop-Tart, and see what happens.
            6. Have a six-pack
            I thought the main habit of Very Happy Moms might be popping Prozac, but I asked around and not a single happy mother mentioned drugs. Not even margaritas. Sigh. What they did mention, in droves, was exercise. And of course they're right: Just about equal to how good regular exercise makes us feel is how insidiously the gloom creeps in when we weasel out of it. Fortunately, to a mom, exercise can feel almost self-indulgent -- after all, you're doing something for yourself, in the company of other grown-ups. And that's part of the buzz.

            Becoming a Great Dad Pt 1

            1. Don't worry about being a great dad. Being a great dad isn't about holding the baby just right, or knowing how to burp her, or being a willing participant at imaginary tea parties. Being a good dad starts with being a good husband. It starts with getting involved in the entire prenatal process; so if you really want to be a good dad, make darn sure you're a good husband, because great husbands become great dads.
            If there's one thing your baby needs, it's a stable, loving home. Work to make your marriage rock solid. The good dad thing will follow, guaranteed.

              Start Living Quickly; Give Mom Space

              2. Try to live your normal pre-child life as soon as possible. A lot of first-time parents totally freak out when they have an infant, and they don't leave their house for two years because they're afraid of what might happen to "the baby." It's a baby -- not nitroglycerin. After a couple of weeks, go out and start to return to as much of you and your wife's normal routine as possible. Remember -- babies are small and travel surprisingly easily (especially with all the high-tech travel gear you'll find at Super Baby Warehouse Megastore).
              Take your baby out to breakfast with you, take them on trips, shopping, on airplanes, and just about everywhere you used to go before the baby arrived (okay, don't take the baby to raves -- but you get the idea). Once you realize that you're out there, doing regular things with the little one going along just fine, you'll realize that although some things are certainly different now, you can still do most of the things you used to do. When you start doing regular things, it will take a lot of stress off you both, and give you time to feel like a couple again, not two people tied to the house 24 hours a day, which can be incredibly stressful in and of itself.
              3. Give the mommy some time for herself. Look, I'd be lying if I told you that in an infant's life, the dad is as important as the mom. When it comes to caring for an infant, and instinctively knowing what to do with a newborn baby, women have the market cornered, and being a mommy is a much harder job than being a daddy. That's why it's so important that you give the mommy as many breaks as you can. She needs time for herself, but she's so wrapped up in being a mom, she probably won't stop long enough to care for herself.
              The best thing you can do is make her take breaks. Watch the baby for a while as she naps, then have your wife go visit her girlfriend, or if her mom lives nearby, have her take some time and visit her. Even if she just wants to go to the mall, or see a movie with her friends, you've got to make time for her to do this. She needs it (more than even she knows) and it gives you some wonderful time with your newborn. An important part of being a great dad is being a great husband, and a great husband makes sure his wife doesn't get burned out being a mommy 24 hours a day.

                Help Mom Feed

                4. Get up with Mom for late-night feedings. I gotta tell ya, this is a tough one, but you'll be glad you did it (when it's over, not during). When it comes to dining, newborn babies think they're on a cruise ship, and at midnight and 2 a.m. they fully expect (and demand) a buffet.
                When our little guy started crying for food at two in the morning, my wife had to get up because she was breastfeeding, but I got up right along with her. I sat there and kept her company, we shared stories about our day, marveled at how cute our baby was, etc., until it was time to burp the little guy, then she'd pass him over to me and I'd burp him. I have to say, I really enjoyed the burping because even though my wife could surely have burped him herself, this way I was at least helping in the process and that felt good. Plus, I was getting to hold my little buddy and the burping helped him too.
                It sounds corny, but these late-night feedings were really a time of great closeness for my wife and me as we sat there in the dim light, fighting to stay awake through the feeding, and we both look back on it with great fondness, even though it was incredibly tiring. I remember one night -- it was like four in the morning -- and we were up trying to change our son's diaper, and he was just screaming at the top of his mini-lungs and kicking his little hands and feet. He was beet red and just as pissed as he could be. I held this screaming little baby out away from my body so my eardrums didn't explode, and I looked over at my wife, and we were both so exhausted that we simultaneously burst into hysterical laughter. He didn't find it funny, but he paused long enough for us to change his diaper. We kept giggling for 20 minutes until we put him down in his crib, and then we literally fell into bed.
                Was it hard getting up numerous times a night? Yup. Would I have wanted to do it alone, all by myself? Nope. I don't imagine my wife would want to either, and that's why I was there. Be a great dad, and be there with her for all the feedings. I promise you, it'll kick your butt some nights, but you'll survive, and you'll look back with fond memories. Hey, I said having a kid was wonderful. I didn't say it was easy.

                  Key to Unending Happiness

                  1. Gratitude
                  In 2013 I started keeping track of my gratitude. Each day I write between five to eight unique events I am grateful for. I don’t repeat anything from the previous day.
                  If you grew up in an abundant environment and learned to be grateful because of it, awesome. I did not.
                  Learning was a slow process for me. After twenty-one days I was not a more positive or grateful person. A hundred days in, it had completely changed my life.
                  Gratitude does not come naturally to me, but it’s the surest path to happiness, I promise.
                  Even when work sucks and people disappoint me or I let myself down, I make an effort to see all the spaces, places, and people for which or whom I am grateful.
                  With time, I have begun to recognize my gratitude not just at the end of the day, but when things actually occur.

                  2. Self-Compassion

                  I accompany homeless adults on the arduous journey of trying to reenter the work market. Recently, one participant (in a drunken rage) broke the leg of the chair and threatened to attack another person.
                  My team took care of the immediate danger, and the next day it was left to me to conduct the reflection.
                  The conversation lasted less than five minutes. He justified his actions and I couldn’t muster up the courage to challenge him.
                  “Is this your first time?” our new social worker asked with concern.
                  “No, more like my hundredth,” I replied.
                  Not my best work. I felt like a failure.
                  One year ago I would have replayed the scene in my head over and over and called myself every name in the book. I’m the manager, what example am I setting, my team thinks I am a loser, the participant thinks I am a joke, etc.
                  It’s hard to be happy, in any circumstance, when you are your own worst critic.
                  Being kind to myself is a huge challenge—and a fundamental element in my pursuit of living an authentic and happy life.
                  Recognizing that self-compassion is not weakness or going to make me a lazy, unmotivated slob has greatly increased my willingness to be nicer to myself.
                  The truth is, the kinder I am to myself, the more willing I am to get up from each failure and try again.
                  Writing not published? Try somewhere else.
                  Friend not responding? Give it some time.
                  Husband really mad at me? That is okay, it happens to everyone and we will work it out.
                  How do you treat yourself when you fail? Make sure it’s with a hug.

                  3. Passion

                  After I recovered from the shock of the therapist’s statement that I had no clearly formed sense of self, I knew she was right.
                  What now? How do I discover who I am?
                  I asked myself, what do I love to do?
                  I didn’t ask myself how I will make the most money or become famous or what I am the best at. I asked myself what I love and then acted upon the response without reservation.
                  The answer was writing.
                  I can’t identify independent clauses, I have never read Dostoevsky, I will probably never be able to make a living from writing, and it is what I love to do.
                  This was the motivation to start taking online writing classes, reading books, and starting a daily writing practice.
                  Better yet, by investing in one interest, several others had room to grow.
                  In 2013 I took a photography class, began sketching, created desserts with no refined sugar, and started a blog—all of which I do while maintaining my full-time job.
                  If no one reads what I write or looks at what I create, that’s okay.
                  What matters is that I showed up for me.
                  If someone asks you who are you, what are your hobbies, what you would do if money weren’t an issue and you don’t have an answer, don’t worry—I didn’t either.
                  Simply start with what you love.
                  Don’t judge, don’t censure, don’t over think. What do you love?
                  Start. Today.
                  You will experience sadness and loss and suffering in life. There is no guarantee or protection against pain. But if you practice gratitude and self-compassion and invest in your identity, you will create a default state of happiness that will support all the difficulties and failures along the way.
                  Take a deep breath, get in touch with who you are, and find something you appreciate about your life, exactly as it is. There you have it.

                  suceeding in hard times

                  I see a lot of stuff about resilience, persistence and grit. What I don’t see is a lot of legitimate info on how to actually increase those qualities.
                  How can we be more resilient? How can we shrug off huge challenges in life, persist and — in the end — succeed?
                  So I looked at the most difficult scenarios for insight. (Who needs resilience in easy situations, right?)
                  When life and death is on the line, what do the winners do that the losers don’t?
                  Turns out surviving the most dangerous situations has some good lessons we can use to learn how to be resilient in everyday life.
                  Whether it’s dealing with unemployment, a difficult job, or personal tragedies, here are insights that can help.

                  1) Perceive And Believe

                  “The company already had two rounds of layoffs this year but I never thought they would let me go.”
                  “Yeah, the argument was getting a little heated but I didn’t think he was going to hit me.”
                  The first thing to do when facing difficulty is to make sure you recognize it as soon as possible.
                  Sounds obvious but we’ve all been in denial at one point or another. What do people who survive life-threatening situations have in common?
                  They move through those “stages of grief” from denial to acceptancefaster:
                  They immediately begin to recognize, acknowledge, and even accept the reality of their situation… They move through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance very rapidly.
                  What’s that thing doctors say when they’re able to successfully treat a medical problem? “Good thing we caught it early.”
                  When you stay oblivious or live in denial, things get worse — often in a hurry. When you know you’re in trouble you can act.
                  Nobody is saying paranoia is good but research shows a little worrying is correlated with living a longer life.
                  (For more on how a little negativity can make you happier, click here.)
                  Okay, like they say in AA, you admitted you have a problem. What’s the next thing the most resilient people do?

                  2) Manage Your Emotions

                  Sometimes when SCUBA divers drown they still have air in their oxygen tanks. Seriously.
                  How is this possible? Something goes wrong, they panic, and instinctively pull the regulator out of their mouth.
                  M. Ephimia Morphew, a psychologist and founder of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, told me of a series of accidents she’d been studying in which scuba divers were found dead with air in their tanks and perfectly functional regulators. “Only they had pulled the regulators out of their mouths and drowned. It took a long time for researchers to figure out what was going on.” It appears that certain people suffer an intense feeling of suffocation when their mouths are covered. That led to an overpowering impulse to uncover the mouth and nose. The victims had followed an emotional response that was in general a good one for the organism, to get air. But it was the wrong response under the special, non-natural, circumstances of scuba diving.
                  When you’re having trouble breathing what’s more natural than to clear an obstruction from your mouth?
                  Now just a brief second of clear thinking tells you this is a very bad idea while diving — but when you panic, you can’t think clearly.
                  Rash decision making rarely delivers optimal results in everyday life either.
                  Resilient people acknowledge difficult situations, keep calm and evaluate things rationally so they can make a plan and act.
                  Al Siebert, in his book The Survivor Personality, writes that “The best survivors spend almost no time, especially in emergencies, getting upset about what has been lost, or feeling distressed about things going badly…. For this reason they don’t usually take themselves too seriously and are therefore hard to threaten.”
                  (For methods Navy SEALS, astronauts and the samurai use to keep calm under pressure, click here.)
                  So you know you’re in trouble but you’re keeping your cool. Might there be a simple way to sidestep all these problems? Yeah.

                  3) Be A Quitter

                  Many of you might be a little confused right now: “A secret to resilience is quitting? That doesn’t make any sense.”
                  What do we see when we look at people who survive life and death situations? Many of them were smart enough to bail early.
                  “…It’s a matter of looking at yourself and assessing your own abilities and where you are mentally, and then realizing that it’s better to turn back and get a chance to do it again than to go for it and not come back at all.” We are a society of high achievers, but in the wilderness, such motivation can be deadly…
                  The best way to take a punch from a UFC fighter and to survive a hurricane are the same: “Don’t be there when it hits.”
                  You quit baseball when you were 10 and quit playing the piano after just 2 lessons. Nobody sticks with everything. You can’t.
                  When the company starts laying people off, there’s always one guy smart enough to immediately jump ship and preemptively get a new job.
                  And some people are smart enough to realize, “I am never going to be a great Tango dancer and should double my efforts at playing poker.”
                  And you know what results this type of quitting has? It makes you happier, reduces stress and increases health.
                  Wrosch found that people who quit their unattainable goals saw physical and psychological benefits. “They have, for example, less depressive symptoms, less negative affect over time,” he says. “They also have lower cortisol levels, and they have lower levels of systemic inflammation, which is a marker of immune functioning. And they develop fewer physical health problems over time.”
                  You can do anything — when you stop trying to do everything.
                  (For more on how to determine what you should stick with and what you should abandon, click here.)
                  Okay, so maybe you can’t bail and really do need to be resilient. What does the research say you can do to have more grit? It sounds crazy…

                  Easy Ways to Escape Economic Recessions! You don't wanna miss this

                  Do you know that you can be totally unaffected in this times of great economic recessions. Well, here are smart ways to stay on the very top when others are in crisis

                  1). Buy Shares That Profit In An Economic Crisis:

                  During an economic recession, many people tend to start selling all their stocks, properties, and more to get a hold of the little they can, just incase the economy takes forever to recover. The unfortunate nature of this practise is that people are doing the exact opposite of what they ought to be doing.
                  Like many world billionaires would say, “when people are selling, start buying”. A recession provides a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and visionaries to get a hold of as many low cost properties, businesses, and even stocks from the stock market.
                  The stock quotes of businesses that are majorly focused on medical services for instance usually appreciate during an economic crisis. Spotting these businesses by daily following the stock market news, can help you take advantage of these stock opportunities.
                  While the stock market today may seem scary to venture into because of the global financial crisis been experienced in most parts of the world, constantly studying the stock market and taking advantage of unpopular stock opportunities as they arise is one way to make money in a recession.

                  2). Take Advantage Of Deals Offered By Struggling Retailers:

                  In any economic recession, retailers try to do everything possible to maximise their sales. They try to achieve this benchmark by improving their customer service, offering great incentives, and even offering extremely low discounts.
                  Taking advantage of the extremely low discounts offered by most retailers in a bid to sell their merchandise fast, is a smart move to make; especially if you have clients or customers that may need those items, and would naturally pay a higher fee for them because they already trust your brand.
                  In an economic recession, you need to be on the lookout for businesses offering mouth-watery deals. What’s better than an amazing discount is a business closing up and trying to get rid of their items at any cost. If what they sell are in line with your own product offerings, then acquiring a bulk of their merchandise at the cost of nothing is a good bet to make.

                  3). Start A Money Lending Service:

                  In an economic meltdown, banks give out lesser loans and increase their interest rates. This poses problems for many small businesses and individuals seeking loans to carry out some transactions and make some capital ends meet.
                  Employees for instance seek out payday loans because the value of their expenditure rises during an economic recession, and as such, have to make ends meet much earlier than anticipated. This need for payday loans drives them to approach professional money lenders for a cash advance. These short term loans are usually expected to either be repaid as soon as they get their salaries, or after a few months.
                  The need for quick cash loans by individuals and small businesses during an economic crisis creates a unique opportunity for individuals with excess cash to take advantage of. Giving a payday advance loan or small business loan to people who need them, to be repaid in a short time with a reasonable interest is a good bet. You could provide your credit service as installment loans, so you can directly ensure the cash loans gotten are adequately used at the right time, and for the right purposes.

                  4). Store Away Your Hard Currency:

                  If you’ve got hard currency in cash, or in a dollar debit card, an economic recession is the time to spend it extremely carefully. Paying a close attention to the inflation rate should help you determine when to convert some of your foreign currency into your local currency for capital expenditures.
                  As the inflation rates show a pointer indicating that the devalued state of the local currency may start regaining its value, converting some of the hard currency to the local currency for your business investments and basic needs would give you a much higher valued deal.

                  5). Sell Your Old And Unwanted Items:

                  One way to make money during an economic recession is to sell your old and unwanted items; especially items lying around the house. These items could range from household appliances to old clothing, utilities, and more.
                  A good incentive to place your used items for sale is because, people would be more inclined to buy old items during an economic crisis than in a period where the economy is stable.
                  You can sell online on various market places like OLXKongaEbay, and the likes. Selling online would not only help you make money in a recession, but would also help you get rid of unwanted items faster than if you only tried offline channels.

                  6). Rent Out Parts Of Your House:

                  Owning a home during an economic recession could be one of your most valued assets. If you own a building with apartments, you could rent out some of the apartments to people seeking accommodation. If where you live isn’t an apartment but a detached house, you could rent out a room or two in your house to squatters.
                  Putting up apartments for rent, rooms for rent, or houses for rent is a great way to make money in an economic recession. You can place ads for your rental properties on an apartment guide. These real estate magazines will help people know more about your home rental business faster

                  7). Invest In Government Bonds:

                  The best place to protect and increase your assets during an inflation is to invest in government bonds. While all other investments have high-risk profiles because of an economic crisis, government bonds are the safest place to protect your investments for long-term growth.
                  You can find full information on how to invest in the Nigerian federal government bond market here
                  Where ever you are in the world, investing in bond markets is your safest bet to not just secure your investments, but to also grow them.

                  Favour for Rulership

                  Watch my short clip on favour for Rulership here and don't forget to share.