Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Friendship; Not by Force: How to Choose Right

Just as magnet attracts metals, gifted people attract company –everybody wants to associate with them. However, every friend has a different motive. Not everybody comes to you for the same purpose or for a good purpose.
There are two categories of people that want to associate with every gifted person. You should be aware of them so you can make the right choice of friendship.

Category 1:
The Company that Kills Dreams:
Anyone that reminds you of your limitations is not worth your time and energy. Everyone has limitations, but good company energizes you to overcome those limitations, and not otherwise.
Apostle Paul said “…a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (1 Corinthians 5:6b). One bad friend can make you despise your true potentials. When people come around you, listen to them for the first 5 minutes. If all they inject into you is negativity, run!
Anyone that does not appreciate the gift of God in you shouldn’t be in your life. Never marry a woman that doesn’t believe in you. Don’t marry a man that makes you feel like trash. You have great potentials and you need only those who can see it. One cube of sugar can change the taste of a cup of tea. Similarly, one friend can make you either bitter or sweet. The choice is in your hands.

Category 2:
The Company that Stirs Up Your Potentials
Friends are instrumental to how well you are able to maximize your talents. There are people that believe in you, look for them and keep them close.
There are people with great potential who always think positive. They always strive toward success. Those are the ones you should hang around. People who aren’t serious with their pursuit of vision should never remain your pals.
Passion is contagious. I love hanging around people who are passionate about their own dreams. Their passion inspires me to remain passionate about mine; so I always look out for them; -I love them for a company.
I used to have a roommate in the university by the name Roberts. Roberts is an exciting young man to be with. He’s a dreamer and he loves the company of dreamers. He’s also a goal setter who is relentless in creating strategies for his goals. He hates the company of people who act otherwise.
During our time together, we robbed minds a lot. You could see in the both of us, fearless young guys who were ready to dare anything. We were unstoppable. We didn’t believe in impossibilities. To us, everything was possible. We inspired each other and it's really helping in our pursiuts. 

The Test of Company
Check What They Say: Good Company speaks right. They discuss ideas. They discuss goals. Bad Company discusses people –they gossip.  Someone said: “great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.”
Also, many people are complainers. Complainers never achieve anything; they give every reason why nothing is appropriate. They’re never satisfied. Such people will only make you a mediocre. A man’s words are expressions of his thoughts. The mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart. I can tell how you think in 5 seconds when I hear you talk.

Check What They Do: As the popular saying; “actions speak louder than words.” You can tell when a company is right or wrong by their actions. By their fruits you shall know them (Matthew 7:20).
Find people who are always taking bold steps; not those who are doing nothing. Jesus needed disciples; but He went after people who were already engaged in something meaningful. One time He went after some fishermen. Another time He called on a tax collector. He never sought after idle men. An idle man will always remain the devils workshop.     
The easiest way to fail is doing nothing and making no effort. If you don’t want to fail, ignore idle company. It simple!

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