Saturday, 21 January 2017

Radicality: Key to Dominion

     An Excerpt from my book "The Covenant of Protection"
       Life has no room for passive people. Only radical believers can taste victory in this world. The devil, like we said in the first chapter, is a resistor of the saints of God. Therefore, the saints must be spiritually violent enough to emerge with victory.
     In Luke 16:16, Jesus differentiated between the pre-John and the post-John era. He said “The law and the prophets were until John, since that time, the kingdom of God is preached and EVERY MAN PRESSETH into it”.
     Jesus was saying, before John the Baptist, everyone lived by the dictates of the law as administered by the prophets of old. But since John’s era till now (and we are in the post-John era), there is a new approach to Christianity. What is this approach? The Kingdom (the power we enter into by accepting and walking in Christ Jesus) is preached; and everybody must PRESS (radically and violently) into it.
      Jesus meant to say that in this era, every believer can be powerful only if they can be rugged enough; and only people who possess a strong spirit can enjoy this benefit.
     In Matthew 11:12, Jesus tells us the nature of this Kingdom. He said “And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the KINGDOM (POWER) of God suffers (Allows) VIOLENCE (Radicality) and the VIOLENT take it BY FORCE”.
      Jesus is saying, this kingdom allows violence. So the power given to us in John 1:12 is not a gentle one, it allows violence. So when a believer is spirit filled, the devil cannot mess around him or her.
     Radical people don’t watch what they don’t want. They press their way out of shame and reproach. The man in John chapter 5, that was at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years wasn’t moving forward because he lacked the motivation and courage to press his way out of struggle.

     You must be radical, because your enemy is also radical (Job 1:7, 1 Peter 5:8). You cannot afford to remain slack in this race. Jesus himself was so radical; He whipped the devil out of those who turned the temple into a market place in John 2:14-16. Spirit filled people are tough on the devil, so the devil must always leave them alone.

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